Below is your assignment that is due 9/27. Remember: there is no class next week. Please make sure to bring your soldering iron to the 9/27 class.
PART 1: Computational Craft Swatch Exchange
~MFADT style ~
The exchange wishes to emphasize the importance of physicality and quality workmanship in an increasingly digital world.
A swatch is a microcosm: a small insight into a much bigger picture. It is the tip of the ice-burg, and it holds a world of potential inside. In creating a new swatch we are simultaneously cataloging knowledge and developing skills.
~ Definition from Swatch Exchange participant Becca Rose
A) Create a swatch. Design a switch or a sensor. You can use any materials you like. Document it on the blog using the same format as the post you made in class:
- Title. Give it a name
- Description. What does this swatch do? How does it work?
- Materials. What materials are used? (cardstock, copper tape, conductive yarn, LEDs, etc)
- Techniques. How was this swatch constructed? (e.g. folding, sewing, knitting, soldering, etc)
- References. Where have you seen it before? What inspired you?
D) Make three more identical ones. You will give these to three classmates next class. (You will have 4 total swatches). They do not have to look exactly the same – you can play with color and aesthetic properties.
PART 2: Learn a New Craft
Before next class, I would like you to try learning a new craft. That’s it. NO electronics. Make a swatch (small example) that comes out of your learning. This could include any of the following:
- sewing (by hand or on the machine)
- embroidery
- knitting
- crocheting
- draping
- paper engineering
- woodworking
- silkscreening
- surface design / fabric printing
- etc, etc, etc
Here are some tutorials from last year as inspiration (also, this was a much longer project last year – you do NOT need to go into this depth). There are also a TON of tutorials if you hit the Googles.
- Needle felting
- Weaving (link to laser cut files for a backstrap loom)
- Crochet
- Machine sewing
Next, create a post with an image of your swatch and reflect on the following questions.
After doing all of the above, write a blog post that answers the questions below. It doesn’t have to be long, but I would like you to spend a good amount of time reflecting on these:
- How do you identify / classify your practice? Choose as many as you would like from the following and feel free to add to it. Briefly explain why you chose them.
- storyteller
- maker
- engineer
- coder
- designer
- artist
- learner
- hacker
- research
- educator
- gamer
- craftsperson
- [other?]
- What is your favorite tool and why? Yes, again ? (I’m going to put one restriction on this – you’re not allowed to say computer ?
- Reflect on your experience trying out a new craft. Some questions you could address: What did you like about the process? What was frustrating? What insight did you gain? What advice would you give to someone?