This course is heavily based in materials. I will provide samples for you to experiment with, but you will be responsible for purchasing materials for individual projects. For more documentation of conductive/non-conductive materials and tools, check out How to Get What You Want and eTextile Summer Camp.
There are two main distributors in the US for conductive fabric: LessEMF and VTech Textiles.
- Stretchy Conductive Fabric: Silver-plated conductive knit fabric. Stretchy in one direction.
- USA: lessEMF, Sparkfun (MedTex), Adafruit
- Europe: Statex (MedTex, Technik-tex (stretchy in one direction), Technik-tex p130 (stretchy in both directions), ), Plug and Wear
- Jersey Conductive Fabric: Super soft conductive knit fabric. Stretchy in one direction.
- Copper Ripstop Fabric: Copper conductive woven fabric. Non-stretchy. Solderable.
- Silver Ripstop Fabric: Silver-plated conductive woven fabric. Non-stretchy. Solderable.
- Velostat: Piezoresistive material – specifically carbon impregnated black polyethylene film. Changes resistance when deformed. Great for pressure/bend sensors. Non-stretchy. ***in locker
- USA: lessEMF, Adafruit (you can get it from here, but with a rather huge mark up)
- Europe: Plug and Wear
- Eeonyx: Piezoresistive woven fabric. Stretchy in one or both directions.Great for pressure/bend/stretch sensors. We think this is magic material, but unfortunately it is hard to get your hands on small quantities in the US since Eeonyx stopped distributing to Adafruit and Sparkfun. We’ll keep this updated regularly if new distributors arise.
- USA: Eeonyx, Marktek, Inc
- Europe: Hitek (they do sell in smaller quantities)
- High Flex 3981 7X1 Silver & Copper 14/000: Very conductive, Solder-able.
- USA:
- Europe: Karl Grimm
- Syscom Silver Thread: thin silver fiber twisted together. very conductive. Solder-able. Can go in bobbin of sewing machine (NOT on top). ***in locker
- USA: Syscom Advanced Materials
- Europe:
- Adafruit Stainless Steel Conductive Thread: Not solderable. Thin and Medium can go in bobbin of sewing machine (NOT on top).
- Stainless Steel Medium Conductive Thread (3 ply)
- Stainless Steel Thin Conductive Thread (2 ply)
- Stainless Steel Thick Conductive Thread
- SILVERSPUN YARN: 87% combed cotton, 5% silver, 5% nylon, 3% Spandex. ***in locker
- USA: lessEMF
- Copper Tape: Super conductive with conductive adhesive (if you choose a supplier other than who we list – i.e. Amazon – and we encourage searching! – be sure the adhesive is conductive!)
- CuPro-Cote: Copper conductive water-based paint that is great for painting circuits. Surface resistivity of < 1 Ohm/sq at 1 mil dry film thickness. Helpful High Low Tech tutorial here. Mix with water or personal lubricant for silk screening. ***in locker
- USA: lessEMF
- Europe
- Circuit Scribe: Conductive ink pen (quick drying). Resistance is 0.05-0.2ohms/sq/mil (2-10ohms per cm of writing)
- USA: Electroninks, Sparkfun
- Europe
- Silver Conductive Ink: Conductive ink with surface resistivity of < .025 Ω/square/mil. Great for silk screening. Very, very expensive.
- USA: Conductive Compounds
- Europe
- AgIC: Silver circuit ink that is very conductive. Must use with their ICPaper (cannot use on any substrate). **We have kits in the locker
- USA + Europe: AgIC (based in Japan)
- CuPro-Cote: Copper conductive water-based paint that is great for painting circuits. Surface resistivity of < 1 Ohm/sq at 1 mil dry film thickness. Helpful High Low Tech tutorial here. Mix with water or personal lubricant for silk screening. ***in locker
- Bare Conductive: Water-based, water-soluble that is best for creating sensors (as opposed to traces). 55 Ω/Sq @ 50 microns.
- USA: Adafruit, Sparkfun, Bare Conductive
- Europe
- Liquid Graphite: Very resistive ink from Guerra in NYC
- USA: Guerra Inks
- Europe
- Y-SHIELD: Water-based ink with <10 ohms/sq
- USA: lessEMF
- Europe
- Thermochromic Ink: Heat reactive ink (non-permanent) ***in locker
- USA: Sparkfun, Matsui
- Europe
- Inkodye: UV sensitive dye (permanent transformation) ***in locker
- USA: Dick Blick
- Europe
- Hydrochromic Ink
- USA:
- Europe:
- Liquid Crystal
- Europe