Author Archives: narvd444

Week 2 – Dario Narvaez

For the activity of this week I picked the famous phrase by -Doc- Dr. Emmett Brown from the Back to the Future movie: “If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour… you’re gonna see some serious shit”. I used the LEDs to give the effect of flame coming out of the tires and to create the back light from the speedometer.

I wanted to explore different materials to efficiently diffuse light. I tried painted over the material to add or change the color of the light coming from the LED, and also to obstruct light to represent symbols and numbers( in the case of the 88 speedometer), I took a milky/translucent paper to create a soft light and I also painted on top with black sharpie so the light could be visible only in the spaces I didn’t paint on.

I also experimented painting the cooper tape in black, the tape maintains its conductive properties after it is painted with markers. I wanted to do this to integrate the circuits into the composition of the illustration.

List of Components:

  • Cooper Tape
  • x1 RED LED
  • x2 Yellow LEDs
  • x 3V CR2032 type battery

How it works:

The LEDs are assembled in parallel using cooper tape. I had some issues with keeping the continuity in one portion of the circuit, so I had to use a wire instead.



Week 1 – Dario Narvaez

Liquid Printed Pneumatics

Image taken from Self Assembly Lab website

This is a project developed by the Self-Assembly Lab, a group of MIT researchers interested in exploring the properties and possibilities of programmable and smart material, as well as soft robotics, with the goal of re-inventing the way artifacts are manufactured today.

Although the material presented in this example requires a specialized process that is not yet available for market access; It can give us a glimpse of what the field of programmable materials with different properties, can provide us for future applications.

In this project in specific, the Self-Assembly Lab explores the properties of elastic materials (printed in 3D as silicone or rubber) with pneumatic (inflatable) abilities as a catalyst for the creation of new forms, postures and experiences: “4D structures that adapted according to function, performance and aesthetics.”

Self-Assembly Lab partnered with BMW to look for innovative solutions to apply in car interiors that can mutate and transform according to the specific needs of the user. The results in research in this field, can open new possibilities in other areas such as: architecture, aerospace, adaptive products, appareal, etc…

Self-Assembly Lab Team: Bjorn Sparrman, Shokofeh Darbari, Rami Rustom, Maggie Hughes, Schendy Kernizan, Jared Laucks, Skylar Tibbits

BMW Team: Sophie Richter, Akos Stegmar