Tag Archives: #buttoncombination

Week 4: Update & Redo

Hello, after my initial two failures I’m back at it again with a copied code. This code is from my classmate Alyssa http://lizastark.com/physcomp/alyssas-combination-lock-week-4/ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OlpTO_oNPYWVEbz0SmbbegJo1Oo0Lawy/view

My breadboard set up is still functional, though to match with Alyssa’s code I got rid of a button. Here are some videos of my experience:

In this video I am inputting the combination and finding that after the combination is inputted there is no way to get the Arduino to lock/ reset again.

Here I found that prior to putting in the correct combination, the buttons will reset themselves after 3 pushes.


Thank you.