presentation slides.
Concept: Exploring the camera as a medium in both analog and digital modes, to build a hybrid stereoscopic camera. And see how the human cognitive perception will respond creating 3D vision or representation of both analog and digital results at once.
Goals: Understand the concept of capturing light in both digital and analog modes. + Understanding the camera and how it works.
I found the best way to understand an object is by deconstruct it and build It again, so I decided to work on this project.
This project is more of an experiment that represents a personal interest in understanding the technology in the camera in both mode, and the stereoscopic camera specifically. so I was the targeted audience.
Here are some precedents that inspired me to work and develop my concept:
Olafur Eliasson – camera obscura
Aïm Deüelle Lüski: Horizontal Photography
Main things you should know:
-Using Cyberduck to access my camera and retrieve the images. [you should be connected to the same and private network for both pi and computer]
-and a simple python [code] to trigger the camera pressing button.
-go terminal and use: sudo nano /etc/rc.local . and then add the root for your file. this way the pi will activate your code everytime you reboot it.
Materials list: LED + Button + Small Breadboard + 3 x Female-male wires + Male jumper wire + Raspberry pi 3 + Camera module (I used spy camera but it doesn’t matter) you can find it all in adafruit. or tinker sphere. ( I recommend adafruit they always have documentation and projects for their products)
Process + Prototypes:
I also tried to work with Arduino, but I couldn’t succeed for the lack of documentation and the complexity of the components:
in this prototype, the main components were a capastitive touch sensor+ camera module ov7670 + sd card shield.
What I learned through this project was the most challenging part at first, basics of the Internet of things, Electronics + Pi + Python. Working with Raspberry Pi was tricky. GPIO and introducing buttons to the pi. And then coding with python. And debugging. but I am happy that I got to go through this, for now, so I’m ready to use this technology in my thesis year.
I would like to work more on the shape and structure of this hybrid stereoscopic camera and explore the potential of that as the main factor to create different effects. The visual feedback could be experienced on a larger scale or groups level.
Circuit diagram:
For any questions, you can email me on