Final project document_Joyce Zheng

Facebook Plant


Data has never been as valuable in human history as it is today. As data is becoming an essential part of our society, it is crucial to discuss that what the relationship between data and people is right now and the possible form of information is going to develop.

So what if the online information had a lifespan of living things in reality? Would people see or treat information in another way? I am planning to do research on social media information and how users interact with the information they receive and send in their daily lives to discover the possibility of reversing people’s negative attitude towards information.

Concept statement

I am creating an interactive device to visualize people’s interaction with the online information using the plant as a metaphor. Through interacting with the installation, people can understand how our interaction can influence data and rethink or imagine our possible relationship with data.

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It is a plant-like product that represents the social media. For example, on Facebook. The posts you made on Facebook would be printed on a leaf. The growing speed of the plants would depend on the interaction activity of people passing by. The usual action we do on social media, like sharing, liking and commenting would respectively correspond to tearing part of the post. Without people’s attention or interaction, the social media plant would die, which shows the relationship between social media and people. The former relies on the input and attention from people, and the latter needs to build their identity with the public. Also, bringing the virtual action to actual physical ones exaggerates the bounce between the two vividly.


About the technology, I used many stepper motors for the roller system. I did a lot of tests on the motor speed and the paper material to simulate the most natural growing movement. I also use ultrasonic sensors and sound sensor to detect people’s presence and movement.


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