Tag Archives: MagicMirror

Week 1: Magic Mirror

Frankly, I have no idea what I am capable of regarding physical computing. I’ve had experience with a Raspberry PI,  but “experience” is too strong a word to describe my pitiful attempt at Python and fooling with a breadboard. A better word that synopsizes my experience might be that I have but encountered the massive and interesting world of computing. One thing that always stays on my mind in regards to tech projects is practicality, and how I can implement the project and innovate it’s systems to benefit in my daily routine. Ergo, the Magic Mirror project is one I find particularly interesting to explore.

Upon initial reflection the Magic Mirror appears to be a regular mirror, but can actually feature images and text by subtly materializing onto a LCD screen behind two way glass. Via remote connection to wifi and Raspberry Pi to a main PC the user can exhibit weather forecasts, calendar, notes, and essentially anything provided the effort and configuration. I’m very interested in learning how to remotely connect my PC to a third party LCD and explore the overall schematics of the Raspberry PI interface.

Magic Mirror
