Final Project Documentation-XU

Name: The language of tears

For the psychological perspective of a human’s tears, from myself crying experience, I would like to have sad tears when seeing something have in common with my bad. Also, I’d like to weep when seeing somebody’s weep in front of me which could always trigger the sympathies in my heart. People like to mimic the other person’s facial expression when communication. It is easy to laugh inside a group of people who like to laugh. And it is also easy to cry inside a

sadness group. The emotions really communicate with people and influence other people’s feelings. I want to focus on these humanized interaction and build the emotional link between human and machines.

Machines may not have real emotions themselves but AI can help machines learn and do what humans teach them to do. I admit emotions are unpredictable and work as a key feature of being human. But the human facial expression, the physical situation always can trace a human’s emotion. For instance, we can get a conclusion whether one person is crying when seeing the facial expression of that human, or two light moving water traces emerging under the eyes. So does AI. They learn what kind of data expresses people’s emotions, like facial expressions. AI could learn and mimic human’s reaction based on what we have on our face.

Concept Statement:

By using machine learning which can understand tears and mimic crying as a behavior, I want to build a poetic feeling of humanized communication between human and machines.


Tears Gun

Eindhoven graduate designs a gun for firing her tears

Artificial Shit Machine

Cloaca – Art(ificial) shit machine

Invisible Disparities


Presentation slides and Process:


Future Iteration

Because of the technical problems of combining python with Arduino, the result of this project couldn’t run the whole process in the real time. Instead, I wrote the machine learning results in Arduino code. I will still try to figure this technical problem out in the future.

And also, after getting some feedback from Major Major show, I think it will very interesting if I will not use the dummy head but put the tubes on my own face instead. The tears machine will help me to drop my tears. This project can be a wearable artistic and personal device which may build a deeper connection between AI and human.

I will keep exploring this topic and also my interest in language and human expressions in the future. Hope I can find some deep explorations on those topics in my Thesis.

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