Category Archives: Assignments

Flexinol Circuit


Denah and I trained a piece of flexinol by wrapping it around a pencil and heating it up. Then we sewed it into the hem of a black dress. we sewed some red string so that it would be easier to see the movement. We connected the ends of the flexinol to alligator clips and to the positive and negative sides of a battery. Watch it move!

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Experiments in Thermochromic Nonsense: Difficulties. Difficulties, galore.

Ok, I started with the idea that I would paint Kermit and reveal an xray below him. Which would be a hand. Classic puppet joke. So I mixed yellow thermochromic pigment, yellow acrylic paint, blue acrylic paint, and mod podge. Which, as we all learned in kindergarten, makes green. Kermit green. I painted Kermit on top of the skeletal hand and let him dry. IMG_1311

Then I tried it out with the heat gun. No dice. Here’s the problem: the paint wasn’t going anywhere, only the pigment itself would disappear. Lesson learned. Onward! With constraints built in of only having yellow and red available, I made an apple. Beneath the red pigment (mixed with mod podge) was the image of an apple core. Heat it and the apple is eaten. Tried it with the heat gun. Bam. Apple gone, core here.

IMG_1315 IMG_1316 IMG_1319IMG_1320 Next! Let’s add the Arduino and a button. Simple, right? No. I wanted to heat the entire area of the apple, so I tried using copper taffeta. Fail. It doesn’t heat it up. Fine, I will sew with conductive thread. Cool?

IMG_1322 IMG_1323 NO. It heats in a very specific line, mysteriously reflective EXACTLY of the thread. The heat doesn’t spread. Fine. This would work to heat a very specific line. I’m done here.

Niki & Denah’s Experiments in Speakering

Paper: worked pretty nicely. We found that if the magnets are in more stacks, spreading the surface area, it amplifies better than in one high stack. IMG_0906-1 IMG_0909 Wood. Not so great, it absorbed too much of the waves. IMG_0910 IMG_0911 Glitter acrylic. It should be good because it is glitter. It is not, which makes us angry.IMG_0914

Fingernail. Conductive paint on the fingernail. We were REALLY excited about the possibility of this working. It didn’t. Our dreams are demolished. IMG_0915 IMG_0916We’re thinking about rings now.

Midterm – Sign – Grace


I’ve been having this problem for long: if the bathroom sign is hang on the door and the door is open, I don’t know which direction it points. Sometimes I can’t even see the sign from certain angles.

doorClose doorOpen doorOpen2

Also, I’m having a hard time recognizing some 2D signs which share the same meaning but look differently. There are also directions that 2D signs are hard to represent. sign [Concept]

To solve my problems above, I decided to make a sign lamp that can easily change its pointing directions in a 3D space using basic soft circuitry.


The lamp includes two part: the base lamp and arrow lamp.

Benefit 1: Simple click to change directions

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Benefit 2: Change dimension easily when needed

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Benefit 3: Point to directions that are not easily represented in 2D signs IMG_0874 [Challenge]

1. How to make both parts light up when snapped.

2. How to design layers of circuit so that it works in four sides of the arrow lamp.


Want to know more about how I designed the soft circuit? Check out my Instructables!

Below is a video documentation of this project:

[Midterm] Lamp – 灯

For my midterm lamp project, the inspiration came from the traditional Chinese words. The shape of Chinese words are special and beautiful. So my lamp is a Chinese word “lamp” shape. It can be not only a unity of function and shape, but also an interface of cultural communication.


The function of this lamp is that it is portable, wearable and foldable. The target users should be people who want to read while camping or other place outside the room, but who have no hand to hold a big lamp.

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