Author Archives: leeg375

Alien translator(FINAL!!)



My concept for the final was to create something with sound + speaker. I was interested in alien and monster at the time, so I thought, what if I make the sound as an alien sound? so the person is hearing an alien sound and be able to translate? This got me to start the project. (drawing in the middle)

so I came up with an idea of alien sound generator. I introduced as an alien language translator, but I guess right now, “alien sound generator” is more fittable with my project.

I was thinking of the movie “minority report,” so my initial plan was to make 360 plastic board and have copper-taped patterns so you can read by having a magnet nearby..



make an alien sound generator, design will be mysterious and secret-looking.



it’s for everyone who are interested experiencing alien sounds.

my ultimate goal was to have a glove that has a magnet on the palm and wave the copper-taped pattern so that people can hear the sound by just waving their hands onto the pattern.

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The result is different than what I initially planned, but it came out good. I used the black-colored form board so it looks mysteriously. Also, I made the panels replaceable so you could read and hear the sound with different visuals.






my PDF ! the one that I showed in class (adjusted + added pics)



HW arduino+conductiveThread+button


my HW for using arduino, conductive thread and ink and a button.


a statement for the piece,

“there are times that we want to look tough, but the more you want to look tough, we actually are very fragile than usual. ”

tough and powerful rose on top



when you apply heat,



fragile flower reveals.



arduino + button + conductive thread


it works!


HW speaker


making a speaker in class, I don’t know the reason, but the speaker didn’t work.

I worked with the yoga teacher,(sorry I am not good with remembering names)

and it didn’t work at the first time, so we switched the transistor but it still didn’t work.




my speaker for the hw

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midterm project ; actual piece

So this is an instructable video that I made (my metal ball still didn’t come …)


the name of the project is A mazeing lamp. (I don’t know this makes sense or not, tried to make a word with amazing and a maze)

The piece does not require a lot of coding and it is easy to make. I focused on the interaction between the user and the lamp, so the lamp itself becomes a game.

The laser cutting and connecting the circuit was the most challenging thing for me. Somehow the connection between the “trigger” and the copper tape didn’t work.

My final did not come as I thought but as I was making the project,  I learned how to laser cut and the amount of the time that I have to spend to make this. It took a lot longer than I thought.

midterm concept


So I am making a maze lamp that you can play with it.


Design goal : make an interactive lamp that people can enjoy while having it

Desired interaction : user should feel entertained while using the lamp and

feel happy when they use it.

Intuitive interface :  for the first time you see this, people will not understand but

as you are playing it, they figure out how to light up the lamp.

Articulated audience : everyone ; 3 – 70 age


thought process : I was thinking how can I make it interesting.. and I got interested in

games, and the thinking lead me to one of the simple metal ball games like pinball and stuff.

so I decided to collaborate the game theme to the lamp.

pictures that I got inspired


blue_2 MetalBallSpaceMazeSubmit1 pendant-lamps-original-design-acrylic-63973-6161773 rainbow_star_led_lamps_3


my prototype & idea process

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week 4 hw


So I went to Max branner , the chocolate place

and my emotion was love-for-chocolate, so

I used the package box to make a switch without using a breadboard.


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New testing materials

ORIGAMI project


GROUP name : hell yeah paper



introduction of paper:

uncoated papers : carried by art stores and paper distributors. There are colored papers and embossed finishes. Their fibers align in one direction, making folding easy.

Coated Papers : highly smooth surfaces on one or both sides and are available in gloss or dull finishes of various brightness. The colored papers are good for torn sculptural effects or collage. because they reveal an attractive white edge when torn.

Handmade papers : are generally produced from cotton or linen rags and used by watercolor and etching artists. They are available from art supply stores and handmade paper companies. Their sculptural qualities are superb, because the fibers occur in a random pattern.

Specialty papers : include crepe, tracing and corrugated papers – in fact, all of the papers that fall outside of the other three groups.


history of the paper

paper derived from papyrus, the name of ancient egyptian material used to as a medium for writing

egyptian map is the earliest known folding of paper (same as modern road map)

wood-pulp based papers in china allowed intricate designs, first invented by Cai Lun in the 2nd century bce

first Japanese origami dated to 6th century ad




super thick card stock paper (50-110 lb)???????(medium thick)




cutting pad

x-acto knife

glue gun or liquid glue

folding bone

cut line vs mountain fold vs valley fold


different examples of different kinds

-3d torso

-anatomical cross-sections


-geometric forms from matthew shlian

Mafoombey Acoustic Space by Martti Kalliala and Esa Ruskeepaa

Mafoombey Acoustic Space – Martti Kalliala & Esa Ruskeepää

book recommended:
Paper Craft School:

Paper: Tear, Fold, Rip, Crease, Cut




what we made


HW make a switch


brief story..

I was at toyzarous the other day, and toy train road reminded me of circuit.. so I thought

it will be good to make a circuit road that you can place the road like the toy train road.

so I made a switch that you have to grab the “road box” and place it on the right direction in order to function the circuit.











