Week 2 : Movement and Time

Here is a link to my sketch: It’s a Moving Target.  As time passes, the bulls-eye grows and shrinks and the outer rings constantly change size.  If I were to continue working with this idea I would like to turn it into a game by adding numbers and colored areas and projecting this image onto a board and actually throwing something at the bulls-eye like the game Darts.  After you reach a set score, the image would change.  Level 2 could be a man sitting on a bench wearing a beanie hat with a spinner.  The spinner would be the bulls-eye area and then surrounding areas would be lower points (like the setup of a dart board).

It seems that each time I set out to make a sketch I end up wandering far far away from my initial idea.  I feel like a kid in a strange candy store.  A ‘piece of candy’ looks good and as I am reaching to pick it up something else catches my eye so I run to another area of the store and then I become lost in that section then I see another kid walk by with something shiny and I am off in another direction and before I know it the title of my sketch is already up to the letter M.  This is challenging because I feel that I don’t build in one area as much as I would like but it is also fun to explore the different things that Processing can do and what is happening as I change certain elements.  I was successful in one area: My initial quest was to make something ‘grow and shrink’ and after much time spent with my Processing book I found example 32-04 and was then able to grow and shrink the center bulls-eye.



FGM Sewn Rose

FGM Rose

Continuing on with my interactive story last week aimed at raising awareness of Female Genital Mutilation, I wanted to make an animated rose with my new knowledge of sin/cos functions in processing. I wanted the imagery to be mesmerising and elegant, but for it to represent the reality of the situation. So I designed a morphing animation that changes over time from a beautiful full rose to a thick web of threads. This is my interpretation of the main icon for FGM: the sewn-up rose.

The organisation that I’m volunteering for, CAGeM (Campaign Against Female Genital Mutilation) asked me to do a campaign video for them for their upcoming Restoring the Rose Walk-a-thon this Saturday. I’d like to share it with you all here: hopefully I can share it in class too – it will give you more of a sense of the positive direction that I want to be going with all these tricky big ideas.

Restoring the Rose Walkathon Campaign Video

Password: rose



Week 2 assignments


I made this animation inspired by a piano piece “Hibari” played by Ryuichi Sakamoto. In the music, you hear the repetition of a small phrase and subtle use of dissonance and that make the piece distinguished. In this animation,  I adopted pendulum waves  as an analogy for the music. Harmonic oscillations in the animation correspond to the harmony in the music and the discords of the waves correlate to the dissonance in the sound.

The note above shows how I calculated the angles of each pendulum. I also referred to the site below to determine the lengths of the strings.



Week 2 Assignment: Spiderweb

When we got an assignment incorporating shapes, time and space, I instantly thought of spiderwebs: not only are they a great way to tie together the rotation, transformation and trigonometry we learned in class, they are a great way to reflect on the passage of time across space. When a spider makes a web, it is created over a period of time. If you watch it, it feels like nothing is happening, but if you return after a few hours, you’ll see a web — which is very similar to the passage of time in general. If you watch the clock, time drags on. If you stay busy, time seem to fly.

Here’s a link to the sketch in Open Processing: Spiderwebs

Next time, I’d like to make the sketch a little more interactive. For example, add a counter that triggers the web to grow as you hold the mouse down.


here is my link to Assignment2.

Using trig, I tried to draw circles from center by passage of time.

from center it draws circles with spiral shape.I also connected circle to center.

if you press the key, it will start again from different coordination.

I have studied with processing book and tried to understand trig.

Once I type code and run processing, it is easy to understand.


Assignment for week2

Assignment for week2

This is my assignment for week2.

I made a film opening time counter. I used frameRate() instead of millis() or sencond() to control the time, for millis() was based on the time in my computer and would keep going. I don’t know how to control it.

Then I met a problem that after I loaded an image, the sketch freezed and the counter was inaccurate. Then I found a new function in processing.org named requestImage which can solve this problem, but it’s a little troublesome.

I want to know more about how to handle these sort of problems in a simple way.

Week 2 Assignment

Week 2 Assignment << Click

This is first time programming that deals with visual representation and passage of time. I used rainbow color (you can press numbers one through 7 (1-red, 2-orange, 3-yellow, 4-green, 5- sky blue, 6- indigo blue, 7-purple) to draw the figure recursively to display the figure and when mouse is clicked, it will reset to most recent figure and change its color to default. In a future I would like to apply trigonometry and passage of time to draw actual images that I like (if possible)!!!

Wow! It was fun tinkering with this code, although truthfully I had no idea what I was doing.

I started out trying to create the solar system, but try as I might I couldn’t get the “stars” in the  orbit to pretend to disappear behind the sun. I played around with connecting the alpha of the objects to the sine wave.

What came out is this odd looking molecule. Play around with the mouse!




Week 2 assignment, Jennifer

Here is my sketch for Week 2. I wanted to try out some technical points: in particular, I tried and failed in Bootcamp to make a beating heart shape. So I wanted to make that work (yay, trigonometry!).

I wanted to make a visual representation of the passage of time without making an actual clock, since the passage of time isn’t dependent on how we’ve defined it. But I did refer to the increments that we use, since that’s how we understand it. So… when the sketch begins, each of the heart and the infinity sign takes one full minute to make a full revolution around the center (they are always on opposite sides of the sketch), and they pulse in opposing two-second beats. These times, however, are internal to the sketch itself, and do not rely on the actual time of day. The user can speed up and slow down the main orbit by pressing the up and down keys, but (like in real life) can’t reverse it, and can’t actually stop it.

The background also changes with the passage of time; however, that is directly linked to the time of day. (As a result, I think the sketch looks better at night).

In a future iteration, I’d like the sketch to be more visually interesting. I had specific animations I wanted to include, which took a little while to make work — and I feel like I understand these trig functions a lot better — but the sketch gets very repetitive very fast. (But maybe that’s in the nature of the passage of time, too).

While I was building this, I wound up making this an early phase, which I like:

I also tested the colors of the background, so you can see the full range without watching the sketch for 24 hours: