midterm & final project’s slides.
Here is my midterm and final slides.
Here is my final project link.
Thanks all of you! You guys are so genius. Happy holidays!
I use the serial communication’s sketch(http://lizastark.com/cclabfall2012/?p=982) and “translate” the processing code into OF.
Here the git hub link
The most difficulty is the “translation” part. I used documentation on openFrameworks to figure out most of the code. http://www.openframeworks.cc/documentation/.
And I also found some useful resources to understand easier.
fengy080 Wenwen Li, Yang Feng 0 Comment
Wenwen and I chose PIR Motion Sensor, here is our introduction to this sensor
What made a tree controlled by photocell.
When environment changes, the tree will grow, just like a leaf.
Instead of using class, I used popMatrix and pushMatrix to created tree.
Here is the video link.
Here is code link.
I put all my files into my git hub. And here is the link.
I put all my work into git hub, and here is the link.
fengy080 Uncategorized 1 Comment
Here is what I find today.
I think you guys may need this when dealing with photoshop or illustrator. So I share it with you. Hopefully it can help you to save some time.
Good luck everyone~
Basically my idea is to create a 3D effects sketch in 2D environment. And here is the link.
If you click “DOWN”, small snow will turn to medium snow. And if you click “UP”, it will change to great heavy snow.
Because the size and speed of each piece of snow is different according to its depth. So I use class to make ellipses looks like they are not in the same surface.
And now I’m trying to create more stuffs(like trees, road and so on) to make it more real.