Final: wifi-email mom!
Link to basic instructions and codes.
Have a great break everyone!
Or Leviteh Uncategorized 0 Comment
Link to basic instructions and codes.
Have a great break everyone!
Or Leviteh Or Leviteh 0 Comment
I played around with the particle example. I tired adding snowflakes to the class, but couldn’t get it to work properly. I did manage to change some things about the sketch itself.
Or Leviteh Or Leviteh 0 Comment
OF first trial
I tried to get the “clear” by mouse click and I really don’t know if it’s working because I’m assuming that OF does not collect and update like processing. For that reason, the tool I made in processing, that left a pretty mark with the mouse, does not work in OF. What I did manage to do is control the colors of the lines with the keyboard, numbers 1-5, taken from the “BlendingExample”.
Screen video is here!
Codes are in this Google Doc
Also: instructions on how to Screen capture with QuickTime! You can trim the video and share directly to Vimeo, useful stuff.
Or Leviteh Or Leviteh 0 Comment
Instructions are here!
Or Leviteh Or Leviteh 0 Comment
Etch a Sketch – Arduino and Processing serial communication.
Or Leviteh Assignments, Jeannette Subero Penaloza, Or Leviteh 0 Comment
The Bear and the Flower – version 2.0
The bear’s nose is sensitive to the flower’s light.
When you pore water on the flower, it tips over and affects the allergic bear, who then sneezes.
tilt sensor -> servo motor & LED -> light sensor -> speaker & fading LED.
We wanted to upgrade the bear and the flower’s interaction. They actually affect each other now. We had problems with getting the bear’s nose to fade according to light exposure, and then to incorporate the sneeze into it. We decided to put an actual physical gesture as the trigger of the action – the water funnel, which can be repeated.
Or Leviteh Assignments, Jeannette Subero Penaloza, Or Leviteh 0 Comment
Or Leviteh Assignments, Or Leviteh 0 Comment
LED’s = Pretty lights.
Are the red LED’s using up more energy than the other ones?
What does “behooves” mean?
I don’t get all the words for stuff, but they make sense when I see them in the calculations.
Videos and Pics:
Arduino 1
Arduino 2
Almost forgot github:
Or Leviteh Assignments, Or Leviteh 0 Comment
I’m not sure how to actually see the sketch on git hub, so here’s a link to the files:
Or’s git hub.
This is the Original library.
This is what it looks like: (Drag mouse in circles to spin the arrow)