I’m very happy with the outcome of my object and excited about moving forward with some of these techniques, having learned what I have from this process.
There was an initial setback after covering the area in copper paint with the foolish idea that I would be able to gouge out channels in the grooves to establish the circuit. After deciding this would be impossible I opted instead to sand off the top using the copper in the grooves as the active component.
From there forward, things seemed to work quite well and I had an interesting time trying to craft a piece of generate code to match the style and type of interaction with the object.
The instructable can be found hereĀ https://github.com/mjglen/CreativeCoding_oF_F15_Michae_Glen/tree/master/3dparticlemesh_project3
The mandala like source code I wrote can be found on my github hereĀ http://www.instructables.com/id/Mystical-Geometric-Slab
A little demo video here (in case you missed the presentation)