Circuit 1: Light-up Heart
For my first Circuit this week, I created a simple heart using the conductive copper taffeta and copper tape. First, I cut a hole in the paper and put the copped tape through to the other side:
Then, I cut small holes to fit two LEDs:
Next, I added the battery into the mix and got the LED to light up:
And finally, I added the heart-shaped piece of copper taffeta:
Circuit 2: Lamp
My second circuit was a hanging origami lamp. I used conductive yarn and copper tape. First, I folded an origami hollow ball and put two LEDs into it using the backing fabric I had brought in:
I then put tape around the two positive pins of the LEDs and the two negative pins of the LEDs. Then, I wrapped the conductive yarn around the copped and tied them.
I then attached the other side of the yarn to the positive and negative sides of the battery, and voila, a hanging lamp! (It could be a necklace, too!
Circuit Illustration
For my Circuit Illustration, I wanted to create the “All My Friends are Dead” dinosaur from the following books:
In my illustration, I wanted to depict the dinosaur as finally happy once he got some spikes! So, I first started out drawing him out and cutting him out:
I then cut out a piece of the copper taffeta in the shape of the dinosaur. After taping that onto the paper dinosaur cutout, I taped on 4 LEDs to the top of the dinosaur using copped tape. I cut a small hole in the paper cutout of the dinosaur where I was putting the battery’s negative side:
Then, I covered that hole with the negative side of the battery and taped the positive side of the LEDs to the positive side of the battery with copper tape:
And now he lights up when you press his tummy!
After that, I taped the dinosaur to a stand, and now you can pet his tummy and let him know he has some friends!