Author Archives: mccla636

Homework from Week 2 – Quote

“In Paris I saw panoramas of Jerusalem and Athens. I recognized all the monuments immediately, every building, right down to the tiny room I stayed in in Saint-Sauveur Convent. No traveler has ever endured a rougher ordeal: how was I to know they were going to bring Jerusalem and Athens to Paris?” Chateau-briand in preface to complete works

I found this quote in my thesis research surrounding virtual reality.  These immersive panoramas are considered one of the first forms of VR.  My panorama is the setting sun over Jerusalem, an LED taking place of the sun.

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Joy Slippers

I stumbled upon this project from Hannah Perner-Wilson, called Joy Slippers.

They originally caught my eye on Instructables because I liked the aesthetic and there’s something intriguing about seeing old style coiled phone cables coming out of slippers.  I originally thought they were attached together, which seemed to have exciting implications, but they’re not as it turns out.  They have pressure sensors in them that send data back through the phone cables.

I also enjoyed looking at her x-IMU gloves.  Although, we’ve all seen the gloves loaded with sensors thing, i thought these ones looked a bit different.  I like the well controlled wires that are visible through the top.  It’s a good example of having an exposed guts look, while also looking very intentional.  For me, they also invoke connections to the central nervous system, which seems very appropriate.