Author Archives: fengx610

Inspiring Projects – Xinhe

1. MaKey MaKey

2. Kinematics – System for 3D printing complex, foldable forms

I am always very into the concept of self-customization, or, let people make their own stuff. I strongly believe that as a designer, our mission today is not only to design a product, but also to design a service. We create tools or platforms for people to design their own products.

MaKey MaKey is a quite old project that many people may already know it. The interesting fact about it is that, it is an open-ended project. It encourages people to turn almost anything around their life into a digital input. And the infinite possibility generates a different way for people to think about the relationship between digital and physical world.

The Kinematics is a 3D printing system, which means is also let people put their own creativity and need into it. The 3D form itself is beautiful, and to think of different ways to use it is even more excited.