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I made a tea candle holder that will reveal some messages when its top is being heated.
I used theromochromic pigment to achieve the revealing of the messages. This type of pigment will be transparent under a higher temperature and be normal again when the temperature is lower.
The concept is about memory and eyes. The cover of this candle holder is designed to be a ‘lake’ of eyes (shown by the patterns), and there is a small character fishing eyes for himself. Yet while he is fishing and when the candle is lighten up, there are things revealed on the surface of the lake suggesting he might fish something else rather than eyes which are what he wants. The things revealed has relations to eyes but are not the first things that come up to our mind when we think about eyes.
Reflections and further steps:
At first I did not use transparent acrylic for the top of the candle holder and it was proved to be dangerous, less attractive and fragile. So I replaced it with an acrylic piece and painted again. It works perfectly now.
At first I wanted to make something that is easy to use and does not have to be linked to wires and battery every time so this is the final result. I think maybe in the future I can come up with a more complex structure and make all the wires and battery being well covered and controlled with switches. Yet I am very happy with the result of this attempt. I enjoyed the whole process, from designing it, making it to actually using it as a real candle holder.