Author Archives: leet107
Final Proposal
For our final, Aaron, Dylan, Lucien and I are collaborating together on a game that we are creating for The New Arcade and Computational Craft. For this game, Lucien will be working on the programming aspect for the game, meaning that Aaron, Dylan and I will be working on the controller.
The game will be a multiplayer competition game, in which players take on the persona of an owl. The goal of the game is to capture and safely secure as many items as you can in your nest by the end of the game. There will also be power-ups that players can take, which temporarily gives that player the power to steal items from other players nests.
This is the first prototype of our game controller. It is an owl. The head of the controller can be turned 360 degrees controlling the direction the players respective owl in the game. This is done by using a potentiometer, which we will map to Unity. In addition to being able to control the direction of the owl, players can “fling” their owls in the direction they desire. We are incorporating flip-dots for the eyes of the owl, which will be used to fling the owls. The flip dots are connected to a handle, kind of like a pinball machine handle. When the handle is pulled, the eyes flip, completing a circuit, and launching the game owl.
In addition to the four owl plushie controllers, we are aiming to create a table for the game. Because this is a multiplayer game, we feel that a monitor might be too small for players to enjoy the game. Our plan is to build a table which is empty in the middle, so that we can attach a screen to project the game on to from the bottom.
Assignment 11 Flexinol
For this assignment, I made an alligator-bear-puppy monster thing yawn. I wanted the creature’s mouth to be closed all the time, and sometimes it opens, so it looks like its yawning. I will have to rethink the way things are placed and assembled. Right now, it looks more like the creature is closing its opened mouth. I was also expecting the mouth to close completely, but it didn’t. Additionally, I think I will need to be more careful about which resistors I use in the future. The resistor I used was too small and ended up getting burnt out.
Week 9 Thermochromic Ink
This week for the reveal, I wanted to make a tiny smiley face appear in a big piece of black paper. For the paper, I used black pigment and transparency. Then, I sewed a tiny smiley face on a piece of felt paper. When I hooked up the circuit, you can gradually see a tiny face appear in the black paper.
Week 8 Spearkers
I made my speakers on calligraphy paper with copper tape. The first one I made was the one on the bigger sized paper with a small circuit. The second one was the small paper with circuit to almost the edge of the paper. The last one I did medium sized paper with the circuit very, very close to the edge. I wanted to see if there would be a difference in the sound if I made the circuits all different sizes using the same materials. I experimented with different sizes of paper, copper tape, and circuit.
Here are the four connectors I made:
I made two with the clips because I realized that the first one I made was too short. The last connector I made was a battery connector. I feel that this one will be one of the most useful connectors I will use. It’s always a pain to use alligator clips and a battery holder when prototyping, and to have a more secure battery connector will be helpful.
Midterm Monstrous Night Light
For my midterm, I was inspired by the book I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll. The story is about a little boy named Ethan who cannot sleep because the monster under his bed decided to go on vacation. With the Monstrous Night Light, children can feel the presence of their monsters even if their monsters are away.
Here is the LINK to the Instruactables page
And here is the video:
Week 05 Assignment
I would classify my practice as storyteller, maker, learner, and educator.
Growing up, I really loved cartoons. I loved watching cartoons, drawing cartoons, and reading about cartoons. Because of this, I went on to study animation at Massachusetts College of Art. Every project I make has some sort of a backstory or story element to it. It makes sense for me to make projects with stories.
Having taken Physical Computing my last semester, I realized that I really loved making physical things. With the projects I am working on now, I am trying to bridge the gap between the 2D realm and the physical space.
Lastly, I think being a learner and educator go hand-in-hand. I consider myself an educator because that is one of the reasons I came to DT, I want to teach in the future. Having taught Bootcamp this summer, I found that I actually learned a lot as I was teaching. I think that as educated members of society, it is our duty to share the knowledge that we hold, and to pass on our skills to those who are willing to learn.
My favorite tool is my sketchbook and pencil. I think I am cheating a little by saying these two things, but I consider them as one. My sketchbook is where I keep track of all the ideas and thoughts that I have. Without my sketchbook, I would not get very far- I would just forget everything.
This week, I decided to try knitting. This process was very frustrating at first. It took me 2.5 hours to get the first row done. Then, of course, I had to leave to work on something else. So, by the time I got back to the knitting later in the day, I had lost my flow, and had to start from scratch. The second time didn’t take me as long to get started, though.
I got frustrated the first time around because I kept messing up and restarting. The second time around, I just worked through the mistakes. I found that the mistakes weren’t even very noticeable in the swatch itself, and if you’re not looking for it, you can’t even find it.
if someone wants to try knitting, I would tell them to make sure they take cramps. This exercise was very strenuous for my hands, and they kept cramping up. Also, I would say to just keep knitting even if you make mistakes. They’re really not that big of a deal.
This week, we’ve decided to use one of the switches that Dylan made to executed the exercise. The nature of this switch allows it be to three buttons. What we’ve done is to match each button to each LED: first button turns on the white LED, second button turns on the red LED, and the last button turns on the blue LED. We used three if statements, one for each of the button, so that only one LED can be turned on at a time.
Here is our video explanation.
For this week’s assignment, I’ve decided to create a stroke sensor. Instead of using store bought conductive yarn, I decided to make my own. (I didn’t have any conductive yarn handy, and I had lots of conductive thread available.) I did this by braiding non-conductive yarn and conductive thread together.
This is the first stroke sensor I made. It worked well, but the thread and yarn untangled from each other.
For the second one, I glued the tips together. This worked in keeping the two together. In the first sensor, I glued the conductive fabric to the back of the felt. I wanted to try sewing the two pieces together in the second one and see what kind of results I would get. As it turns out, it worked just as well, and it was much easier to sew all the pieces together. By sewing the pieces together, it also allowed me to customize the sensor a little more.
For the third sensor, I decided to try different methods of using the materials. I left the thread open and I added non-conductive yarn in the middle. This didn’t work as well because the thread is exposed, and it was easy for the two sides to make a connection.
For the last one, I decided to try another type of yarn. This one was hard to use because it the yarn was much thicker. I decided to leave the middle open because the thread was insulated enough as is.