Technnical Books
Getting Started With Arduino by Massimo Banzi
Physical Computing by Dan O’Sullivan and Tom Igoe
Make: Electronics by Charles Platt
OPEN SOFTWARE: Fashionable prototyping and wearable computing using the Arduino by T. Olsson, D. Gaetano, J. Odhner, and S. Wiklund
Fashioning Technology: A DIY Intro to Smart Crafting by Syuzi Pakhchyan
Switch Craft: Battery-Powered Crafts to Make and Sew by Alison Lewis, Fang-Yu Lin
Sew Electric
Theory Books
Craft + Textiles
Bauhaus Weaving Theory: From Feminine Craft to Mode of Design by T’ai Smith
Garments of Paradise: Wearable Discourse in the Digital Age by Susan Elizabeth Ryan
The Craftsman by Richard Sennett
Thinking Through Craft by Glenn Adamson
The Subversive Stitch: Embroidery and the Making of the Feminine by Rozsika Parker
Speculative Design
Speculative Everything by Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby
Design noir: the secret life of electronic objects By Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby
Fashion + Body
Fashionable Technology by Sabine Seymour
Functional Aesthetic by Sabine Seymour
Skin: Surface, Substance, and Design by Ellen Lupton
Crafting technology: Reimagining the processes, materials, and cultures of electronics by Leah Buechley and Hannah Perner-Wilson (2012)
A Construction Kit for Electronic Textiles by Leah Buechley (2006)
Design for Wearability by Francine Gemperle, Chris Kasabach, John Stivoric, Malcolm Bauer, Richard Martin (1998)
The Computer for the 21st Century by Mark Weiser (1991)
What Do Prototypes Prototype by Stephanie Houde and Charles (1997)
The fine art of electronics : paper-based circuits for creative expression by Jie Qi (2012)
Pulp-Based Computing: A Framework for Building Computers Out of Paper by Marcelo Coelho, Lyndl Hall, Joanna Berzowska, Pattie Maes (2007)
The LilyPad Arduino: Using Computational Textiles to Investigate Engagement, Aesthetics, and Diversity in Computer Science Education by Leah Buechley, Mike Eisenberg, Jaime Catchen, and Ali Crockett (2008)
Handcrafting textile interfaces from a kit-of-no-parts by Hannah Perner-Wilson, Leah Buechley, and Mika Satomi (TEI, 2011)
DIY Wearable technology by Hannah Perner-Wilson and Mika Satomi (ISEA, 2009)
Fabric Computing Interfaces by Maggie Orth, Rehmi Post and Emily Cooper (CHI, 1998)
Becoming Materials: Material Forms and Forms of Practice by Jenny Bergström, Brendon Clark, Alberto Frigo, Ramia Mazé, Johan Redström, and Anna Vallgårda
Shutters: A Permeable Surface for Environmental Control and Communication by Marcelo Coelho and Pattie Maes (TEI, 2009)
E-broidery: Design and fabrication of textile-based computing by Maggie Orth, Rehmi Post, Peter Russo, and Neil Gershenfeld (2000)
Computationally-enhanced Craft Items: Prototypes and Principles by Michael Eisenberg, Ann Eisenberg, Mark Gross, Khomkrit Kaowthumrong, Nathaniel Lee, and Will Lovett (ICLS 2002)