The concept is to create a unique modular lamp that the users will configure as they like, taking advantage of the specific space they want to use. The lamp will be dimmable and controlled by touch. The modular use of this lamp is closing the circuit using the interchangeable bulbs.
Instructables link :
I was inspired by cat toys and the shape of ground cherries. I created this lamp project for my cat. When I couldn’t spend time with my cat and left her alone at home for long time. it makes me feel bad. especially, when I went out in the morning and came back to home at the night time. My cat left alone in the dark space. I couldn’t turn on the light and left home. That’s why I decide to make this lamp with a photocell sensor which senses the brightness. In my lamp, There is three lamps and lamp will be turn on by the brightness of its environment. for example. When It’s completely dark all 3 lights will be turn on. If it’s little bright then 2 lights will be light on. when it’s bright but little dark then 1 light will be turn on. when it’s really bright then no light will be turn on.
for materials,I try to use materials that cats like. I choose to make lamp shades with origami paper because cats like the sound of paper boxes. for the pole, I cover it with knitted fabric and braid wires with three different colors of normal yarns to give a soft feeling.
Prototype test
first I try to do prototype test with an Arduino and a bread board with 3 LED lights and a photocell sensor. I use 10k resistor for a photocell sensor and 220 resistor for each LED light.
Origami Part
I made a paper box. I used a middim thick white paper so the lights can go trough the paper and the color of the LEDs can be shown from outside.
Structure inside
I made a inside circuit with a copper tape and for the outside, I braid wires with yarn to hide wires.
I have been interested in paper art recently. When I searched paper art, I got inspirations from the pictures showing below.
This art piece gives me inspirations not only for the paper art but also the way to put that into a photo frame. Since I really like timelapse photos&videos, I got the idea to put a timelapse feeling framed paper art. That’s why I named this project “Framed Moments”.
My concept is that each person has his/her own journey in the life, there must have lights to guide you through. Those lights will shine for you if you trigger them.
The video below recorded my making process…
I made this in white paper because I was thinking white has the most possibilities to change by projection mapping. I wanted to combine this with projection mapping techniques, which I imagined future albums could be projected. Video below shows what I did for the projection animation.
For my next goal, I want to make more depth for this paper art. As you can see, from the example that I shew, it has much more layers.
I was trying to make a practical lamp for people with night blindness. In this case, the lamp suppose to be easy to reach at night, and the material should be soft and can be hold in hand easily. Some of the inspirations are down below:
And my first iteration of the lamp is a hexagon box with crocheted pressing sensor on top. Here’s the sketch of my first idea.
However, I found the material is not right for my main purpose, so I changed my material to yarn entirely. The LED was put inside the crocheted rose pedal.
My future steps on this could be embed the pressure sensor and LED into pillowcases.
I made a lamp as a tool to help people experiment with additive color theory. Although the lamp is able to display R, G, and B colors at a variance, it could be further improved through tinkering with mapping the colors so that the maximum brightness of all three LEDs could be the same. Currently, the blue LED is the brightest and overpowers the other two while red is the dimmest.
For my midterm, I wanted to create an art piece in awareness to marine pollution so I created Jellyplastic. Constructed by found object, I wanted to depict this beautiful sea creature in contrast to the materials of human’s waste that is actually destroying their homes.
My circuit had some problems, the first problem is that one of the LED on the jellyplastic’s head works only when the conductive legs are touching each other, so when the whole piece has lit up and the legs aren’t touching anymore it won’t open. The second problem is another LED on the jellyplastic’s head is loose and when audience touches the head the LED will light up. However, I feel that even though the LEDs don’t work as I expected, I think it contributes to making the piece more beautiful, and more alive.
I see my piece in an exhibition to raise awareness about environmental issues. For future iteration, I think I will reconsider my switch because through observation, users are more drawn to touch the head of the jellyplastic than interacting with its legs. Also, I want to create jellyplastic on a whole new scale and have a different display under the same concept.
For this project I made up my mind to do something meaningful. So I came up an idea to do lamp that can warn people to adjust their pose when reading because I feel like many people, including me, are reading to closely to the book.
The final result of the lamp is here:
Full details of this project is on Instructables:
For my midterm assignment, I made a Tshirt for people threatened by a heart attack, called Life lamp.
When the patient is suffering a heart attack, they will have the following signs:
Chest discomfort;
Discomfort in other areas of the upper body;
Shortness of breath;
Others like dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness, clammy skin, cold sweat, etc.
Therefore, it is hard for them to cry for help. The patients have a common gesture when they are under attack: pressing their chest hard. For Life Lamp, the lamp is attached to the Tshirt. When the victim is suffering a heart attack and press their chest unconsciously, the light will be on. People around this patient will be notified and can help him/her.
This is a toy for a child. When the child squeezes it, the tutu skirt of the bunny lights up. I used conductive thread, four LEDs, a battery switch, and button sensor. I made the skirt myself, and added it to the plush bunny.