Midterm Assignment (Due Nov.3)

You have been commissioned to create a piece for an exhibition entitled [Light/Dark].

From myths of making fire to harnessing the flame with wax to electrical incandescence, the presence of light impacts our daily lives in a functional, metaphorical, and aesthetic way.

One possible methodology
Step 1: Imagine a possible or plausible future 400 years from now. Who will we be? What values will we hold? What everyday objects will we use? How will we communicate? How will we dress? How will we work? What is our currency? How does it make you FEEL?
Step 2: Brainstorm your light object within the context of your future.
Step 3: Write a narrative that contextualizes your light object that addresses the questions in step 2.
Step 4: Construct a prototype of your light object. Be ready to explain where it is in it’s evolution.

> Physical prototype
> Description of your future (no less than two paragraphs, no more than two pages)
> Proof of concept video or images (show us how it works in context – not just documentation)
> Description of your piece for the exhibition (shortened version of the above description)
> Documentation on Instructables

Tuesday October 27 – Concept + Prototypes
Friday October 30 – Exhibition description due
Tuesday November 3 – Final prototypes + Narrative + Exhibition
Tuesday November 10 – All documentation up (Must be in Instructables format)

1) Be critical.
2) Be playful.
3) Be human.
4) Tell stories.
5) Have fun.

More inspiration coming soon…

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