Inspirational Projects (Week 1)

I’m particularly interested in the pulp based computing by Marcelo Coelho. I love the idea of making computers beautiful. I remember back when I was young, computers were still ugly gray boxes, but now, we spend a lot of time designing not just the inside of computers, but also the outside. Even though we’ve done a lot of thinking about these machines we use each day, I think there are many more directions we could take. 

Marcelo Coelho is definitely pushing the boundaries of what a computer can be. His paper-pulp computers are made out of paper and contain circuits, lights, and buttons all within the paper pulp. It’s a whole new way of looking at portable computers and is completely fascinating!

Marcelo Coelho

I’m also interested in exploring ideas that relate to other senses. I really love this sound installation called Marea Baja by Ruben Dhers. The sound that results from the pieces of fabric hitting the strings of these different guitars create an amazing feeling in the room!

Marea Baja

Another project that I recently saw here in NYC that created an all-encompassing feeling, similar to that of Marea Baja was called Prana. A person is instructed to stand in the center of the room in a very particular spot. When that person breathes in, a sea of LEDS light up in changing colors, and then fade away as the person exhales. It’s a really relaxing experience.


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