Category Archives: Assignments

Aim + Tong – Final Proposal

For the final, Aim and I are creating a wearable that has its own self-defense mechanisms. We want to design this wearable in order to respond to the design question of: How do we reshape biologically after living a traumatic memory of sexual abuse?

Our wearable consists of 3 mechanisms, one situated on the spine, another on the neck and the last one on the palms. For the spine, we are thinking of creating moving spikes with 12 flip dots. For the neck, we will be using flexinol to make the shape change into sharper edges. The hands will consist of speakers that will produce sounds to scare the enemy away.


Assignment 11 Flexinol

For this assignment, I made an alligator-bear-puppy monster thing yawn. I wanted the creature’s mouth to be closed all the time, and sometimes it opens, so it looks like its yawning. I will have to rethink the way things are placed and assembled. Right now, it looks more like the creature is closing its opened mouth. I was also expecting the mouth to close completely, but it didn’t. Additionally, I think I will need to be more careful about which resistors I use in the future. The resistor I used was too small and ended up getting burnt out.


Final Project: Design Brief

Final times! Woohoo! Here are your final deliverables:


You MUST bring your prototype to show – even if it is not working. If you require a specific environment, please email me.

You will have 7 minutes to present. This includes time for feedback, so structure your presentation accordingly. Your should include the following in your presentation ( in whatever order you like):

  • Concept
  • Precedents
  • User testing + feedback
  • Process documentation
  • Video of project demo
  • Challenges you faced
  • Future iterations

You should make a short video introducing your project. It should include the title of your piece, your concept, and a prototype demo.

DUE WEDNESDAY, 12/20 AT MIDNIGHT (I will not accept late submissions)


  • Create a short post on the blog with The link to your Instructable.
  • Text of your project description from the Instructable
  • Any other documentation links.
  • A short reflection on your process. What were your wins, challenges? What did you learn?
  • Where would you take it next?

Here are the components you should have:

  • Title. IMPORTANT: Make your title descriptive or catchy so it easy for people to find. If you have a more abstract title, include a subtitle. For example, Vague textiles VS Vague textiles: Using thermochromic ink to change fabric surfaces
  • Intended audience. Who is this for? Beginners? Textile coders of the 23rd century? Elementary afterschool STEAM club? Let people know what prior knowledge they need so they don’t have unreasonable expectations before jumping in.
  • Description of the project. Write a few sentences on why you made it, what it does, what you hoped to accomplish, challenges you might have faced, and where you would take it next.
  • Materials list. List the materials you used and link to where people can purchase. Here the materials list for the class. Email me if you cannot find a link to a material we used.
  • Video documentation. Include the video described above.
  • Steps to make it. Write all of the steps needed to recreate your project. Include images or diagrams to supplement.
  • Circuit diagram. Be sure to include a circuit diagram or drawing.



I will assess your project by the following criteria:

Ideation, Concept, and Design

  • Incorporates computational concepts discussed in class
  • Able to translate ideas/concepts into project form within a given environment
  • Thoughtful integration of design elements
  • Presents functioning prototype.
  • Presents working documentation if was unable to get working
  • Synthesizes design and technology to create interesting and contextually significant work that makes contributions to the domain

Process + Materials

  • Thoroughly documented according to class guidelines
  • Uses materials and processes learned in class
  • Synthesizes materials and processes to make relevant contributions to field
  • Iterated prototypes
  • Demonstrated effective problem-solving/ finding skills
  • Scoped approach to project and sculpted according to personal goals, strengths, and weaknesses


  • Articulated concept and problem statement clearly
  • Prepared for presentation (slides ready and prototype set up)
  • Addresses all required elements for presentation
    • problem statement/question you are trying to answer
    • audience (who is this for? we are designers, which means we design for someone or something.)
    • concept statement
    • precedents/inspiration
    • process/prototypes
    • what you learned
    • where you would take the next iteration


Questions and prompts from in-class activity:

  • How do we biologically alter memories to get rid of trauma?
  • How can we reflect on joyful moments from our memory?
  • Why are we fearful of losing our memory
  • What kind of memories do we cling on?
  • To what extent is memory uncomfortable?
  • How do memories help us progress through our lives?
  • Why do we need to remember things?
  • Why do fleeting moments bring nostalgic memories?
  • Why do memories make you feel lonely?
  • What is the point of remembering loved ones from the past?

Since we ran a little short on time, I am also including a few notes below that I hoped to incorporate into our discussion. They are meant to provoke ideas and questions:

Human memory
Most people would argue that it is our memories which comprise our sense of self, our values, habits, perspectives – our identity. There are three types of human memory: sensory, short term, and long term. Sensory handles information you receive in your immediate environment, such as the feeling paper or the smell of a burnt LED. Short-term memory allows you to hold some information for a short amount of time. Long-term memory goes deeper: it allows you to store vast amounts of information over long periods of time. These will influence who you perceive yourself and others to be. You may consciously build these memories or construct them without full self awareness. We have personal memories and collective memories, and they may not always align.

Digital Memory
Digital memory gives us the ability to store infinite amounts of information that we can retrieve at any moment. While digital memory may seem abstract and intangible, it cannot live without a physical component, the hardware of switches, ICs, capacitors, transistors, resistors, and so on. This hardware was not always small enough to fit into our hands. In the past, increased memory meant increased size. Now we are able to recall any piece of information anywhere. Some of this memory is volatile and lives on only when powered, while others are stored semi-permanently. Some memory allows users only to read or only to write or to both read and write new memories.

Material Memory
A material’s memory depends on its form and properties (tensile, mechanical, electrical, or otherwise). Softer materials like paper, textiles, and wood can be manipulated into new forms, storing new “memories” that redefine their functions (e.g. a piece of fabric sewn into a shirt, a piece of wood turned into a handle on the lathe, etc). Smart materials have the ability to change states by altering their properties and forms. SMAs return to a programmed shape when activated, thermochromic pigment disappears with heat, conductive fabric has electrical properties in addition to textile properties. The look and feel of a material impacts our sensory memory and contributes to the user’s overall experience with an object or environment.

Suggested Readings:

Becoming Materials: Material Forms and Forms of Practice by Jenny Bergström, Brendon Clark, Alberto Frigo, Ramia Mazé, Johan Redström, and Anna Vallgårda

Poetic Computation Reader by Taeyoon Choi
Ch 2: Memory: to remember and forget

I started with building the circuit first to make sure it was worked and then created a story from there. I decided to use paper as the material for the nitinol. It was extremely difficult soldering the crimp bead to the copper tape because the nitinol would contract as it was heated by the solder and didn’t stay in place while I was soldering. Finally I got it to work, I could use a button to make the current go through the wire to open the little gap. I decided to draw a character with one of their teeth being removed (except it gets removed from the bottom, but should be from the top. Also I didn’t have a 12-13 resistor so I ended up trying a 10 resistor and a 47 resistor. The 47 didn’t allow for the nitinol to contract. The 10 resistor allowed the nitinol to contract, but it almost burned.

Week 11: SMA

For this week’s homework, I experimented with SMA to create an unhappy cat taking a shower.

I began by drawing the cutouts of the shower and the cat and made a box to facilitate the up and down movement. For the handmade sensor I made a rotating sensor with some paper, copper tape and screw nails. The sensor did not work out as well in the code, so I ended up not using it to activate the wire.

Then I started experimenting with making the wire move. I had a lot of difficulties controlling with Arduino because my battery wasn’t working well. I tried using analogWrite up to 50000 in value to make it move.

After switching batteries it was operating better.



Week 12: Flexinol

At first, I wanted to create an art piece to comment about animal cruelty so when I switch the button on the monkey will curl up to make it look like it’s jumping and swinging around. However, I made a big mistake to glue the back and the front of the monkey together with a glue gun and so when it meets heat, the glue gun melt and it’s a complete fail prototype.

Therefore, I thought of a new project and I wanted to be playful with this assignment so I created a human exercise machine. I put the flexinol on my cut-out illustration of a woman in a sit-up position. I sewed the flexinol to make a curve around the woman’s body and solder it with the copper tape. (It was really challenging to solder it for reals) I connected my switch so when I rang the bell the woman will sit up. I also used my handmade connectors to connect the circuit together.

However, I think I used the wrong resistor and it won’t successful turn on. But I tested the woman with hot air and she bends the way I wanted to. I enjoyed using flexinol a lot and I think I can make use of it in so many different ways.

Week 10 Assignment

In folklore, there is a rabbit that lives on the Moon. It pounds medicine and accompanies the Moon Goddess.

For the assignment of this week, I used thermochromic pigment to draw Moon on a piece of fabric and sewed a rabbit on another one. When the rabbit layer is charged, its figure will show on the Moon. One problem with my project is that it’s hard to tell the figure because of the pigment-to-base ratio and the color itself.

Week 11: Assignment

Use trained or untrained flexinol to add motion to paper or fabric. The theme for this assignment is open || closed.

You must be able to turn it on with a handmade sensor (it can be one you have already created).
You can use Arduino or a 9 Volt (or LiPo) battery to activate your wire. (If you use only a battery, be sure to calculate the resistor needed)