I chose to depict a sentence in the book BlackOut, which depicts how a family was using torches on their rooftop after a black out in their neighborhood.
Prototype of the circuit:
I then cut the paper and sticked it into a small box.
I chose to depict a sentence in the book BlackOut, which depicts how a family was using torches on their rooftop after a black out in their neighborhood.
Prototype of the circuit:
I then cut the paper and sticked it into a small box.
My tableau was from the mythology of a phoenix rising from the ashes.
The phoenix was made from the origami crane template. I punched a hole in its tale, attached some brass wire, and then made it hover above some cardboard that I had covered with various layers of spare fabric I had on hand. The circuit diagram below indicates the simple circuit I created using copper tape, two LEDs, a coin cell battery and the alligator clips. I had to futz with the circuit in order that the led legs didn’t cross and short circuit without lighting the LEDs. On the other hand, the shoddy work resulted in some nice flickering. Continue reading
I chose to create a scene from the book There’s a Monster Under My Bed by James Howe.
When Simon(The protagonist) said: “I forgot to check under my bed tonight before I got in. Now it’s too late. He’s there. Waiting. Waiting for me”.
It inspired me to create a shadow art, that when Simon is tucked to bed activates the monster under his bed.
My first step was to mocked up a small bed to see if it’ll work or not
Then I constructed the bed
Create the circuit
but I messed it up a bit in the end because it won’t light 2 LEDs so I had to use two battery
and I made the switch on the other side so when the blanket is slid up it will close the circuit
This is my finished product but it seems like the weight of the blanket is not enough to close the circuit so most of the time, I still need to put my hand on the blanket to activate the monster shadow.
I chose a quote from a short story called Painted Skin in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio (Liaozhai 聊斋) by the Chinese writer Pu Songling(蒲松龄)in 1740. Painted Skin was one of the popular strange tales in this anthologyof supernatural tales.
Softly creeping up, he looked through the window and saw a hideous devil, with a green face and jagged teeth like a saw, spreading a human skin upon the bed and painting it with a paint brush. The devil then threw aside the brush, and giving the skin a shake out, just as you would a coat, threw it over its shoulders, when lo! it was the girl.”
I got the inspiration from the girl(fox goblin) who was wearing a mask made of human skin, on which her attractive features were painted.
Resource from the film Painted Skin (2008).
First, I drew a sketch of my initial idea on the look & feel of this project.
Next, I started to cut out the figure from paper.
Then I started to test how the LEDs would work. There were some obstacles that stopped me in keep working —- I put those two LEDs in the same positive end which could only make one LED light up.
#1 test
#2 test
#3 test
for my project, I try to I used my illustration which is a girl and a monster. Somehow, monster look so friendly to me, I want to bring up spooky mood with red eyes.
I used three Led red light and one battery connect through cooper tape in the back.
Alice in wonderland and characters are always being intriguing and fascinating to illustrate and to bring into a project. For this assignment I took a passage from Lewis Carroll’s book.
“Alice waited a little, half expecting to see it again, but it did not appear, and after a minute or two she walked on in the direction in which the March Hare was said to live. `I’ve seen hatters before,’ she said to herself; `the March Hare will be much the most interesting, and perhaps as this is May it won’t be raving mad–at least not so mad as it was in March.’ As she said this, she looked up, and there was the Cat again, sitting on a branch of a tree.” – Lewis Carroll.
Around this passage i creates both the illustration and the circuit for the assignment.
For this project, I decided to make a scene from my favorite book series, Harry Potter. I choose the scene that Harry first produced the patronus, which was in the shape of a stag. So I did this illustration of the scene, and use cotton to create a dreamy effect of the smoke suppose to come out along with his patronus and also as the cover for the LEDs and the copper tape.
After I finished the illustration, I was trying to figure out a way to lay out the circuit underneath the patronus. I decided to go with a parallel connection with the switch and battery in the middle. Here’s the diagram for the circuit I used in the project.
The circuit is completed by moving around the wand and the two LEDs will be lightened up once the wand is in its position. Right now, there’s some connecting issue with the left LED that I need to fix. Although it’s hard to find the right position to lighten up both LEDs, I think this actually make sense since Harry was struggling to produce the entire patronus in its complete form at first.
Here is a demo that shows how this works.
“Oh, grandmother, what a horribly big mouth you have!”
This is an impressive sentence for me. It is from the story The Little Riding Hood. So I chose to illustrate this scene in which the wolf and the little riding hood were having a talk about grandmother’s weird appearance and then the wolf threw back the quilt and revealed his real identity with its eyes blazing with greed.
In this project, when the quilt covers the body of the wolf, nothing happens. When players remove the quilt, the eyes of the wolf begin to give out light.
1. Prepared the characters.
2. Designed and made the circuit.
3. Assembled all parts.
I chose a quote from one of my favorite comic strips, Mafalda:
I chose my favorite scene from the strip, which was the last scene. I wanted the audience to have an interactive experience with the scene, so that when they pressed onto the comic, it would light up and can be read in the dark as well.
I began the process by tracing the drawing onto rice paper (I wanted a material that was relatively translucent but not enough to see through). Then I cut the foam board into a small box.
Then I made a parallel circuit with copper tape underneath to light up 3 LEDs.
One of the difficulties I encountered was getting the pressure to work as the foam was too hard to press onto. To solve this I had to use a combination of cotton pads and cardboards to fix underneath the pressure point. Once it worked, I sealed the box.
Documentation Video:
I chose the children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the scene I chose to illustrate was when the caterpillar was inside of the cocoon resting. Since we can’t see the caterpillar inside the cocoon, I wanted to illuminate that the caterpillar was indeed inside the cocoon undergoing transformation. So on top of a drawing of a caterpillar I taped a piece of scoby on top to hide the caterpillar and act as a cocoon. When the lights shine, you can vaguely see the caterpillar resting inside of the cocoon.
My first attempt, I used a thicker piece of paper and the light was able to shine through, but it was so thick that the lights weren’t bright enough to illuminate the drawing through the scoby. Here is the circuit that I built:
I ended up redoing the drawing on a regular piece of printing paper and since it was thinner than the other paper I used, the light was able to illuminate the caterpillar.
It is hard to see from the photo, but I think its clearer when you see it physically.