Author Archives: linc486

Assignment3_ Elly(Chiehli, Lin)

In this week, I am doing a set of turning switch, which means when 2 conductive pieces match together, the LED will lights up.


  1. Strawberry switch: The seeds on the body are made by a same conductive thread. The leaf has conductive tape in the back. When the user turn the leaf on to the right place, then the LED will lights up.


2. Russian Roulette: The turning circle is Inspired by the Russian roulette. I have conductive tape in the back, so that the same species matches up, the LED will light up. Maybe it can be a small game for kids?


3. A pattern turning switch: 3 different patterns made by conductive tape. When all the 3 patterns layout on the same roll, the LED will lights up! And also, the user will see a new pattern. In this switch, when the patterns’ angles become larger, the LED light will become weaker.

Week 1 Assignment_ Elly(Chieh-li) Lin

When seeing Jie Qi’s project in class, I were surprised by her work. The material that she choose is so simple and elegant.

I always want to make something with paper in different textures, but have the subtle feeling of each.



The following is a project I have done in my first semester, the 5-in-5 project, which I really like it, and still wants to continue to work on.


When I see the dandelion painting by Jie Qi, I am totally inspired by her work.

We have some similar in the project, such as the flower, paper, and painting. But Jie uses the Chinese calligraphy to represent her work really inspired me. Also, the way she uses the blow sensor to connect with the dandelion is super smart!

Start thinking if I can get some inks that can change the colors with temperature? Or if I can made these flowers in a garment? Or what if I can made these flower open and closed with sensor?

I feel excited to work in this class!


Elly(Chieh-li), Lin