Week 4 Assignment

We created a circuit using three buttons that each individually lit up different LEDs, which was done by using if/else statements. If button 1 was pressed, then the white LED would turn on. If button 2 was pressed, then the red LED would turn on and finally if button3 was pressed, then the blue LED would turn on. Here is what the circuit looks like:

We created a video explaining what was occurring in the circuit.

The most fun part of doing this video was definitely planning the skit and making it with friends. The most challenge part was also planning the skit. We weren’t sure if we had enough information. We considered getting another person to represent the arduino and have ribbon act as the “wires” connecting from the pins to the arduino, but we decided it would be best to keep it simpler and just show what was happening with the power from the button to the LEDs.

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