Author Archives: leea666

Week 1 Assignment

The project in the week 1 slideshow that I found most interesting was mycoTEX because it was about creating garments out of the living material mycelium. I think Aniela’s idea to rethink the future of materials is important in finding materials that are sustainable. I found this project by Amy Congdon called “BIOLOGICAL ATELIER :  AW 2014 ‘HAUTE BACON’ COLLECTION”. Although this project isn’t made using the same material mycelium as in Aniela’s project, this project utilizes and envisions the future where living materials and biotechnological processes can be combined to create fashion. Amy’s piece uses the process of decellularization on bacon. This process removes all of the cells within the outer structure leaving the scaffold of the original material. With this she incorporates bone powder and pearls into the scaffold as well as traditional techniques such as dyeing, tanning, and weaving to create this jewelry. Similar to that of Aniela’s project in that Amy is trying to rethink and envision what the future of materials will be like.