Serial Communication

Over the break I f-i-n-ally got Processing and Arduino to communicate.  I think I have may have gone through every problem possible.

Liza mentioned this link below for troubleshooting Serial Communication.  Following these steps didn’t fix my problem and the potentiometer was still not changing the color of the screen.  So I just wanted to say that I would not recommend this link for this particular problem of troubleshooting the mismatch of rx/tx libraries.  I tried it a few times and couldn’t get it to work and I ended up having to uninstall both programs and reinstall.

Bad –

Later I also had problems with my USB drive reading at all and then once that was fixed, reading my port name.  After many different blog searches I finally found Jeremy Blum’s tutorials – super helpful!  He has a number of subjects too.

So if you need help with serial communication – especially troubleshooting – I may be able to help!  And if you are stuck on something Arduino related – try Jeremy Blum!  In the end it really felt good to finally get the serial communication working and I learned a lot in the process.

Here is my video of the Potentiometer changing the color in Processing!