Week 1 Assignment (due 9/4)

Super excited to have all of you in my class and looking forward to seeing all your great work!

Here is your first assignment. Based on the feedback from the initial meme assignment, I decided to change it. Please see #5 below and let me know if there are any questions.

1) Install both Processing and Arduino on your personal machine if you haven’t already. Place order for Arduino starter kit from Sparkfun or Adafruit.
2) Post the project you presented on the class blog.
3) Write a short paragraph explaining what you hope to get out of this class based on today’s discussion.
4) Post documentation of your favorite work by other designers/artists that inspire you.
5) For this assignment, I want you to create an interactive story using the programming concepts below. You will be assessed based on how well you use them (I am looking for understanding, not complexity) and your concept. Be prepared to present them next class. You must include all of the following:

  • Arrays + for loops (you must access your array using a for loop)
  • PImage + PFont
  • A function you created
  • Motion (acceleration and velocity)
  • **Extra points for collision detection
  • Interactivity (whether mousePressed, keyPressed, etc)