Week 3 Assignment

Hey yall – apologies for not posting this earlier. Never fear though – you can always look to the syllabus! Here ya go:

1) Code assignment – you can do (a) OR (b):
(a) Make a stamp and create a collage-type artwork with it using OOP. Think Sol LeWitt instruction-based works, or other works involving pattern and repetition. Bonus points for interactivity.

(b) A theme/concept of your own choosing, but you must write at least two classes and create an array of at least one class.

2) Write an instruction set for how people should use your tool. Get creative!
3) Order Ardunio supplies posted on the class blog if you haven’t already!
4) Upload a photo of yourself to your profile (plugin installed!)

As an aside, while you are doing this assignment and wrapping your brains around classes, remember how we built up to creating a class and an object last class. We started with a sketch, then function, then super basic class, then added some more complexity (e.g. movement), and finally got to arrays. I strongly encourage you to take this approach, especially if you are encountering any difficulty…or even if you’re not. It’s good practice and will help you reflect on how you are structuring your code.